Manningham/Macedon Over 40s Group

1 Mar 2020 by Margarida Holmes

After a successful first social session on Monday, another over 40s session will run this Monday (3rd March) at Rieschieck’s Reserve, Doncaster East.

The intention this year is to continue with a social over 40s session, but also launch an over 45s weekend team for the 2020 season if numbers permit. Arrangements this Monday are:
7:15pm Set-up/Warm up
7:30pm Social Game
8:30pm Meeting for all players interested in the weekend Over 45s team

As with the Soccer Mum’s program, the two sister-clubs are pleased to offer ways for parents to maintain their own fitness and enjoyment of the game, building a healthier and stronger community.

All enquiries, please contact Paul Wood on 0411 253 734 or


Reischieks Reserve, Doncaster

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